Thursday, January 10, 2013

Media Meets Religion Day 4 - Mixed bag

Today was a bit of a mixed bag for me. The speakers were again excellent but my energy is flagging. There's only one day of class left but I don't have rest to look forward to since I'm getting on a plane early Saturday morning for New Orleans and a week of service with college students. I always look forward to the Dickinson trips but this two weeks is going to be grueling for me.

I took the time today to send some tweets while we were speaking with people. It occurred to me that I had been announcing who we were speaking to, but I never really shared anything that we learned on Twitter, so I made an effort to find the people and then share a quote from them that I found thought provoking. The first thought that I shared was from Ash Greyson when he spoke about the roads built by the Romans. They built them for trade and kept them secure, but the early Christians used them for evangelism. He urged us to think about the social media tools that exist in the world today as the new roads that we can use to spread our word.

Our next speaker was Pastor Elise Brown from Advent Lutheran Church in Manhattan. I was honestly too engrossed with the conversation with Elise to even tweet that we were talking with her. She was willing to share the details of her church re-branding efforts with us (something I'm wondering if even members of her congregation have seen). I have been a part of the logo design process for both professional and personal organizations and it's always interesting for me to see the formation of an identity take place. Tristan offered some very good insight into the process as well and really got to highlight his background in the arts.

The next speaker was Frankie Fredericks, a very accomplished young man. He had a lot of what I would call "big ideas" to share that took us back to thinking about bigger picture things and I think he might have been a better fit for an earlier class session. The pearl of wisdom I took from Fankie was that technology is a how that answers a bigger why. This fits in with how I view technology but Frankie puts it very well.

Next up was Paul Edison-Swift from the ELCA. Paul went beyond the Click 2 Save book and talked about some of the places where he saw gaps. Paul's talk was informative but coming where it did at a low energy point of the day it was difficult to process it all. I'm glad he setup some web resources for us to look at so that I can go back to them later.

The last speaker of the day was the Rev. Peter Panagore from Daily Devotions. Peter talked about how they use social ministry to achieve saturation in the market of their videos. He puts a lot of work into making sure they are posted to seven different networks although he said it only takes him about twenty minutes every day to get it done. I shared a quote from Peter: "Social media is a beast you need to feed." Peter was referring to the fact that if you don't pay attention to social media every day you'll lose your following and then all of the work you did in the first place will have to be repeated.

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